Speaking of guitar hero, I have been avoiding this shit for a while now, but Friday, I got my first taste of Rock Band on 360. Next thing you know my broke ass drops 2 bones on Guitar Hero World Tour for Wii. I am abso-fuckin-lutely hooked to say the least. Yeah, I am fucking dork so go blow a fucking midget dick if you have a problem with that. I'll spare you of the game review on here, but if you like Rock and guitars and what not get that shit. Not only is the game fun, but I acheived a lifelong goal by purchasing it. Last night I decided to play naked and for the first time ever I actually rocked out with my cock out. Shit was cool.
Ok, so back to the big interview today. I feel like I should be nervous, but I am not. So, now I am getting nervous about not being nervous. So I guess sometime today I'll get nervous about being nervous about not being nervous so who knows what the fuck will happen by the time I get to the interview. I did go so far as to prepare some responses to standard interview questions....
Why should we hire you? Because I am about to be un-fucking-employed.
What qualities do you feel you bring to this company? Well, for starters I uh....umm...er...pass. I'll catch that question in the speed round.
Do you forsee any challenges if you were to obtain this position? Well, the fact that my current job allows me to cuss like a fucking sailor all day long could make working in this politically correct corporate world hard as shit.
What kind of computer skills do you have? I am blogger bitch, what more do you need to know. I can make shit in italics and bold with no fucking problems. I can also insert cool links, and post pictures of hot bitches....

...next question please.
Do you have any physical or mental limitations that could prevent you from doing this job or certain tasks? Well, I tend to get sidetracked pretty easily and I also enjoy daydreaming of deatailed schemes to deprive the company of $0.0001 on every transaction in hopes of secretly becoming a millionaire and then moving to a fucking cool place like Costa Rica and not doing a got damn thing the rest of my life, but other than that I am AOK.
What have you been doing since you last worked here? Well, I bought a Wii last year and then this past weekend I got Guitar Hero for it and I have been fucking nailing some killer guitar solos and just last night I accomplished my life long goal to rock out with my cock out. It was fucking cool!
After those killer responses I am sure they will offer me the job and pay me way more than I ever expected! I'll let you ass tasters know how it goes later today or tomorrow morning.
Dude, I feel the pain of dropping the dimp for Guitar Hero, Rock band etc..I managed to buy BOTh for the Wii AND 360 and I am addicted.
~Charlie Villanuevas Eyebrows
Shit's fun as hell no doubt. I gots the girlfriend hooked now. Should be playing in about an hour. Thanks for stopping by.
No so sure the girlfreind is hooked... I don't think she's a fish... so let's use the word addicted instead.
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