Son of a bitch. Fucker bout got my ass. So with it being a fucked up Friday on top of Friday the 13th I thought it would be no better of a time to talk about fucked up movies.
Let me start out with a little history for you fucktards. When I was 4 my babysitter made me watch Poltergeist...

...bitch told me it was a funny movie and the shit scared the fucking life out of me. I had horrific nightmares until I was like 13. Luckily I learned how to jack off then and my nightmares were replaced by dreams of the lovely ladies from the bra and panty section of the JC Penny catalog. Anyhow, that little incident right there (Poltergeist, not learning how to jack it) fucked me up seriously and it wasn't until last year that I even had any interest in fucked up movies. I've never seen any of the Jason or Elm Street flicks and never wanted to. About a year ago though someone had me watch Wrong Turn 2....

It was a pretty fucked up film to say the least. In the first seen a chick gets splut in half straight down the middle from head to toe. Although it was gorry and freaky, it was also funny at how stupid the shit is. (Why was I such a pussy for all those years?) That opened the door for me and my next horror/suspense flick - SAW.

I saw the first one and was hooked (no pun intended). I've seen all 5 of them and there hasn't been any let down. I won't go into anything more boring than what I already have here, but these movies, although fucked up and gorry as hell, are entertaining as shit. The way Jigsaw puts people in situations in which they actually can survive if they so choose based on their past is just amazing. I think the other part that tickles my fancy is thinking about the guy thinking about writing these movies. Everything seems like it's actually feasible and could happen in real life and to think about what was going through the guy's head that wrote this shit is amazing. So if you haven't seen any of the Saw movies and want to get your scare on this Friday the 13th check out Saw. Make sure you watch the first one first at all cost. In this series of movies each one depends heavily on the previous one. Start out with anything past Saw I and you're gonna be way more fucked up than you already will be just from seeing the first one. Enjoy your Friday the 13th. I'll probably put something else up later today since I am now realizing how fucking gay this post is. WTF was I thinking? This isn't my bag baby!
1 comment:
First off, Who the hell did your mom let babysit you. That's f'd up. Secondly, Saw movies are definetly a must!! I feel a marathon coming on again!
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