Anyways, not much to talk about today....yet. Memphis got beat last night, so that ruined my chance of winning the office pool early (I sho could use that $60 too). Basically I had a chance of going into the final 4 with all 4 teams in my stable. Either way I've still got Kansas, Pitt, Zaga, and Syracuse so I'm not dead. However, my gut tells me that UCONN has this shit wrapped up. I'm thinking since they may potentially get hit hard with NCAA violations that they are gonna play like they won't have this opportunity for a long time (isn't that how all of these guys should play anyways?)
In other news, I have a product review for ya. If you've been anywhere on the intarwebs lately you have probably encountered eleventy hundred thirty ads for the new Amp flavors. They've got a new Lemonade aka Lightning flavor and two tea flavors, one black and one green. My lady friend, who I am struggling to come up with a feminine version of a dAndy name to go with, (As if dAndy isn't fucking girly enough. I was thinking about Shandy, ShedAndy, dAndette, or maybe even dAndee) and I will routinely enjoy a Firefly vodka drink......

....If you haven't tried Firefly let me tell you it's the shit. Basically it's a sweet tea flavored vodka (sounds brutal right?) in which you add equal parts of water and vodka and a splash of sour mix to get a kick ass liquor drink that taste damn near like drinking a glass of sweet muther fucking tea. I'm from the South and grew up on sweet tea so this shit hits the spot for me. Perfect for tailgating or just chillin on a warm summer day.
Anyfuckinway, back to the point of all this. We also will indulge in a little Amp energy drink and vodky combo from time to time as well. You know the ol' ecstasy in a can shizzle. So, when I saw the tea flavored amp the first thought was that + Firefly could potentially equal one kick ass drank. So, ShAndy stops by the store and grabs one of each tea flavor. First up black tea. I tried it without Vodky added and it was sort of OK. She added some vodka and it pretty much tasted like a form of a vodky tonic. We saved the green tea for my ride in to work this AM. My first response to the taste was blaaahup. Yeah, I almost tossed my cookies. It should be called Elle Eye Tea more than anything because that bullshit tasted like a Long Island Iced Tea more than anything except without the benefits of booze. Needless to say, and in order to wrap up this painfully bullshitty post, the new tea flavored Amp sucks major dimply ass!
Have a blessed day and a kick ass weekend!
{Image via Barfly}
It took that long cause your midget sister was reading it to me .
Leave my sex life out of it , ok ? toughguy .
My midget sister is a great reader!
Cool, thanks for stopping by.
I'm heeeeere !
Who cares !
only you apparently !
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