Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Day 36 - 3/31/09
The sad part is that I still FUCKING CARE! Why, I couldn't tell you. I should just be like, "Fuck it, shit don't matter to me. I ain't getting all worked up over this bullshit!" However, dAndy, just doesn't have that ability. I can't just do something half assed.
Stay tuned, I'll keep you guys abreast (huh huh I said breast) of what's shaking as this fucked up day marches on.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Day 35 - 3/30/09
Uh, nothing much going on as usual. I got doinked out of the NCAAB pool at work. I lost a 1, 2, two 3's, and a 4 seed in a matter of 3 days. Fucking great! Jimmy Johnson drove his ass off yesterday and Tiger was Tiger. Look out Augusta, or I guess I should say look out fellow Masters competitors. Heeeeee's back.
In other news the Shamwow guy......

.... got in a little trouble this past weekend. Apparently, to all you hookers out there....RESPECT THE SHAMWOW GUY!!! According to The Smoking Gun he got a hooker and crossed the line by kissing her with the tongue. I've never been with a hooker, but even my dumbass knows you NEVER kiss a hooker. It's against the commonly accepted practices of hookering (CAPH). Not to mention, WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU PUT YOUR TONGUE IN A FUCKING HOOKER'S MOUTH?!?!?!?! Anyhoo, when he did that the hooker bit his tongue and wouldn't let go until it either thundered or he beat the living shit out her. He chose not to wait on the storm and smashed her face up pretty good/bad. Depends on how you look at it I guess.
Also, my Wii got really smart yesterday. I connected it online for the first time. For some reason I made that shit extremely hard the first 18 times I tried to do it and then yesterday I dug deep and harnished my inner Chinaman and fuggerred it out. Shit's pretty cool. You can get the weather and all that and you can buy some of the classic NES games. Here's what got me though. I was sippin on some sauce watching UNC smack the shit out of Blake Griffin and the Sooners and all of a sudden my Wii starting winking at me and it was turned off. There is a blue light that comes on only when you are putting a disc in or taking one out. Well, the light started winking at me. I felt like the money I could be saving with Geico was staring at me. So I turn the bitch on and my Wii is telling me that I have new messages because there is an update that I can install. Wow, technology these days. So, this made me think about what the future holds technology wise and what I think would be best for dAndy.
How cool would it be if they made a TV that had the capability to have a smaller picture within in the big picture of something different from what you are watching on the big picture?
I think having a toilet that automatically flushed would be AWESOME. I'm suprised no one has invented that yet.
Someone should make a website in which anyone could freely write about things going on in the world and in their daily lives. Kind of like a weB LOG or something.
How awesome would it be if someone made shoes that had air in them and you could have a little pump thing on it and control the level of air in the shoes. Do you think you could jump higher with air shoes?
I think that it would be neat if a purse for men was invented. It shouldn't be like a regular purse though. I think it should be something you could wear on your hip like a pack or something.
If I can think of any other life chaning inventions I'll update you accordingly.
{Image via The Good the Bad and the Ugly}
Friday, March 27, 2009
Day 32 - 3/27/09
Anyways, not much to talk about today....yet. Memphis got beat last night, so that ruined my chance of winning the office pool early (I sho could use that $60 too). Basically I had a chance of going into the final 4 with all 4 teams in my stable. Either way I've still got Kansas, Pitt, Zaga, and Syracuse so I'm not dead. However, my gut tells me that UCONN has this shit wrapped up. I'm thinking since they may potentially get hit hard with NCAA violations that they are gonna play like they won't have this opportunity for a long time (isn't that how all of these guys should play anyways?)
In other news, I have a product review for ya. If you've been anywhere on the intarwebs lately you have probably encountered eleventy hundred thirty ads for the new Amp flavors. They've got a new Lemonade aka Lightning flavor and two tea flavors, one black and one green. My lady friend, who I am struggling to come up with a feminine version of a dAndy name to go with, (As if dAndy isn't fucking girly enough. I was thinking about Shandy, ShedAndy, dAndette, or maybe even dAndee) and I will routinely enjoy a Firefly vodka drink......

....If you haven't tried Firefly let me tell you it's the shit. Basically it's a sweet tea flavored vodka (sounds brutal right?) in which you add equal parts of water and vodka and a splash of sour mix to get a kick ass liquor drink that taste damn near like drinking a glass of sweet muther fucking tea. I'm from the South and grew up on sweet tea so this shit hits the spot for me. Perfect for tailgating or just chillin on a warm summer day.
Anyfuckinway, back to the point of all this. We also will indulge in a little Amp energy drink and vodky combo from time to time as well. You know the ol' ecstasy in a can shizzle. So, when I saw the tea flavored amp the first thought was that + Firefly could potentially equal one kick ass drank. So, ShAndy stops by the store and grabs one of each tea flavor. First up black tea. I tried it without Vodky added and it was sort of OK. She added some vodka and it pretty much tasted like a form of a vodky tonic. We saved the green tea for my ride in to work this AM. My first response to the taste was blaaahup. Yeah, I almost tossed my cookies. It should be called Elle Eye Tea more than anything because that bullshit tasted like a Long Island Iced Tea more than anything except without the benefits of booze. Needless to say, and in order to wrap up this painfully bullshitty post, the new tea flavored Amp sucks major dimply ass!
Have a blessed day and a kick ass weekend!
{Image via Barfly}
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Day 30 - 3/25/09 - Saws All Sex Toy
....attached to a dildo. Now I am all for getting creative in the bedroom, but damn at least have a little fucking sense would ya? Supposedly the lady has been released from the hospital and is AOK, so that's good news. I just wonder how the thought process went for this. This happened in Maryland, but I'm thinking this had to be some redneck transplants. So join me as we take a trip into the trailer park...
{after having sex for 2.6 minutes the man has finished}
Woman: Damnit Carl you just don't it fer me nomore!
Man: Whatcha mean I don't do it fer ya?
Woman: Well, when we was first seein each other you was a bear in the sack.
Man: I am still your big ol' grizzly bear honey.
Woman: I knows I still call you that, but you ain't no bear in the sack like you useta. You useta make me feel like the happiest woman in the world when making love to me now it's like I don't feel nothing.
Man: It still feels good to me.
Woman: Ugh, I know Carl, but that don't mean I'm happy with our sexual relations.
Man: {hangs head and pouts}
Woman: Carl, I want you to meet a friend of mine...
Man: I'll kick his mother fuckin ass, where is he? That summabitch!
Woman: No Carl, it's not another guy. It's my dilder.
Man: Your what?
Woman: It's a dilder. {whips out 8" dildo with the rebel flag paint scheme}
Man: Whatcha do with that?
Woman: Look. {she shows him what she does with it}
Man: That's pretty nifty there I tell ya.
Woman: Carl, this is what I have to do to get off now a days because you are not fulfilling the yearning inside of me.
Man: You been readin them Fabio books again ain't ya?
Woman: No Carl, I read about it Cosmo. You wanna help me?
Man: Hell the fuck yeah!
{while the playing is going on Carl is thinking...hard}
Man: Honey, I'll be right back. Don't you go anywheres ya hear!
Woman: oh...uh...ok
{Carl returns with his reciprocating saw}
Woman: Ahhhhhhhhhhh, no Carl NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Man: Just let me see that thing for a second baby. I ain't gon hurt you!
{Carl fiddles around trying to get the dildo on the blade}
Woman: I don't like the looks of this Carl.
Man: Just hold on a got damn minute!
{Carl gets the rig hooked up and goes to town}
911 Operator: 911 what is your emergency?
Man: Yeah, uh, I, uh, I
911 Operator: Sir, what's wrong.
Man: I just cut my wife's cooter with a Saws All.
911 Operator: Excuse me sir, what was that?
Man: I put a dilder on my saw and made ma wife feel real good up til the blade cut through the dilder and now her cooter is bleeding like a stuck hog. Please help me! Lord Jesus!
I think you can pretty much take it from there, but sweet baby Jesus there are too many stupid fuckers out there. Everybody knows you have to file the edges off the blade first!
(Image Via Flickr)
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Yeah Boyeeeee!
Day 29 - 3/24/09 - 8 Days To Go
Here are a few things to kill some time....
Check out these 9 kick ass home theatres at MyBadPad. Anybody got 6 million to spend on home theatre? Didn't think so. Actually, if you do have that much to blow on watching movies at home please get me your contact info ASAP.
Sports Rubbish has the scoop on one hellacious ball park burger. I'd hit it.
Ever heard of the Wonderlic test. Over at Gunaxin is the dealie. Basically this is an intelligence test all NFL draft prospects take. It's pretty interesting stuff except that my boy Percy Harvin is dumb as shit.
GMoney has a couple of good things over at The Money Shot. A nice peaceful peace regarding Curt Shillings retirement along with a Tebow post. I didn't know UF enshrined his speech after losing to Ole Miss.
Holy shit! Nintendo is remaking the classic boxing game Mike Tyson's Punch Out for Wii. I loved that game as a kid and even though I can't see the video, according to InGameNow some of the old characters are in there too. Check it out! I know someone who is going to get knocked the fuck out, when it comes out! ;-)
Man, I just nailed 2 Cheesy Double Beef Buritos and a 7 Layer Nacho from Taco Hell and it only set me back $3. Now that's hope I can believe in!
Monday, March 23, 2009
RMOG - Mr. Overly Friendly Sandwich Shop Cashier Guy
Anyways, this past weekend around 11am I decide to go to a sandwich shop to get a greasy ass steak in a sack and some onion rings. Excellent foods to consume after a hard night of drinking and then waking up early the next day. So I walk in, and the guys says something along the lines of how's it going. I say fine and you. You know typical response to a typical greeting in a place like this. I should have communicated back with sign language for something, but that would have made it hard to order my grub. The next thing you know the guy is talking about how great a day it is outside. Let's see it's fucking 50 something degrees out with 30+ mile an hour and it's cloudy. So yeah, IT'S FUCKING GORGEOUS. Then the guys goes into what I have going on today. None of your fucking business ass hat! Then he tells me his kids are at a big carnival and that he is going there when he gets off and that he feels sorry for the guy in the dunking both because he is going to light him up. Why do you feel sorry for that guy when it's soooooo beautiful out douchetard?!?!?! Then it's like 20 other questions and comments and by that time I am just like DUDE! I just want my greasy little combo so I can work on getting undrunk in the next 10-15 minutes kay! So here's to you conversator conasieur. Shut the fuck up and give me my fucking food!
Got any RMOG ideas and situs? Put them in the comments bitches!
Day 28 - 3/23/09
Busch Light - Check
Bud Light - Check
Natty Light - Check
Budwieser - Check
Tequilla - Check
Spaten - Check
Shock Top - Check
Vodka - Check
Wine - Check
Saki (reg) - Check
Purple Saki - Check
I won't discuss the quantities of either product so you don't think I am some kind of alky, but if you don't think so already then I think YOU have a problem. Remember the 1st step is admitting it.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Day 23 - 3/18/09 - A Day Off
743am- look at clock - go back to sleep
1023am - realize there is a girl next to me in bed - it's my girlfriend - wheew!
1028am - ........
1100am - get out of bed - realize I am not hungover - YAY - still regret asking bartender for a shot of cheap irish whiskey to end the night though
1104am - cook pancakes and bacon
1122am - eat pancakes and bacon
1134am - start wondering what to do today
1152am - still wondering what to do - my couch is comfy
1207pm - guitar hero it is
214pm - enough of the guitar hero - try to find something on TV
228pm - eat some chips and dip
236pm - realize how bad afternoon TV sucks
315pm - wash dishes from breakfast
After that I had to go take care of some things, but the reality of being unemployed and having nothing to do was mind boggling. Luckily I had something to do that occupied a good 5 hours of my time. Come 4/6/09 it's gonna be a whole new ball game. BE AFRAID BE VERY AFRAID!!
Day 24 - 3/19/09 - March Madness Baby!!!
Nice work Grimey!!!
P.S. You can still join my Yahoo pick em group.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Yahoo Tourney Pick Em
dAndy's Own - Group ID - 157965, Password - dandy45
The Poo Pile - aka dump list
This site is pretty cool. Basically if you thought your life was fucked up check this out. Fmylife.com
Like Pork? porktopia.com
I am a twitterer now. Tried to fight the urge, but couldn't resist.
Day 22 - 3/17/09 - St. MuthaFuckin Patty's Day
However, let us not dwell upon my misfortune. Instead we must prepare ourselves for the day in which Irish eyes are smiling. The day in which it is socially acceptable to get shit faced drunk before lunch and then again before you eat a sackful of Krystal's at 3pm followed by a double patty melt plate with hasbrowns covered, chunked and topped from Waffle House at 8pm and then again before you pass out on a curb on your way to Taco Bell at 130am.
Now that we've covered today's dining options, let's talk booze. How you gonna roll today? Keep it traditional with some green beer and the occasional Irish Car Bomb. Sure nothing wrong with that, if you're a fucking pansy. Today is the day/night in which you set your new personal record for alcohol consumption. That's right! Today you put the record you set on your 21st birthday to shame. You are ALCOHOL and ALCOHOL is YOU. So break the tradition, mix liquors, chase shots with beer, chase beer with shots, and make a complete ass out of yourself. No one should notice and if they do at the time, they either are not enjoying the night the way they should or they won't remember it tomorrow anyway. Fuck it! Throw a cement mixer in there somewhere along the way too for shits and giggles!
Regardless of what you drink, just make sure you end up like this....

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
P.S. Don't get drunk and get some lame ass tatoo either!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Day ## - I don't even know anymore - 3/16/09
Odds on hang glider being built out of 3 coconuts, a garbage bag, and a bread bag twist tie 4:1.
Have a great day!
P.S. Tomorrow is green beer day!

Sunday, March 15, 2009
Shuttle Launch Video- 3/15/09
Friday, March 13, 2009
Day 18 - Friday the 13th, 2009 - AAAAHHHHHHHH

Son of a bitch. Fucker bout got my ass. So with it being a fucked up Friday on top of Friday the 13th I thought it would be no better of a time to talk about fucked up movies.
Let me start out with a little history for you fucktards. When I was 4 my babysitter made me watch Poltergeist...

...bitch told me it was a funny movie and the shit scared the fucking life out of me. I had horrific nightmares until I was like 13. Luckily I learned how to jack off then and my nightmares were replaced by dreams of the lovely ladies from the bra and panty section of the JC Penny catalog. Anyhow, that little incident right there (Poltergeist, not learning how to jack it) fucked me up seriously and it wasn't until last year that I even had any interest in fucked up movies. I've never seen any of the Jason or Elm Street flicks and never wanted to. About a year ago though someone had me watch Wrong Turn 2....

It was a pretty fucked up film to say the least. In the first seen a chick gets splut in half straight down the middle from head to toe. Although it was gorry and freaky, it was also funny at how stupid the shit is. (Why was I such a pussy for all those years?) That opened the door for me and my next horror/suspense flick - SAW.

I saw the first one and was hooked (no pun intended). I've seen all 5 of them and there hasn't been any let down. I won't go into anything more boring than what I already have here, but these movies, although fucked up and gorry as hell, are entertaining as shit. The way Jigsaw puts people in situations in which they actually can survive if they so choose based on their past is just amazing. I think the other part that tickles my fancy is thinking about the guy thinking about writing these movies. Everything seems like it's actually feasible and could happen in real life and to think about what was going through the guy's head that wrote this shit is amazing. So if you haven't seen any of the Saw movies and want to get your scare on this Friday the 13th check out Saw. Make sure you watch the first one first at all cost. In this series of movies each one depends heavily on the previous one. Start out with anything past Saw I and you're gonna be way more fucked up than you already will be just from seeing the first one. Enjoy your Friday the 13th. I'll probably put something else up later today since I am now realizing how fucking gay this post is. WTF was I thinking? This isn't my bag baby!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Day 17 - 3/12/09
So what's crackalacking? Not a whole lot really. I've pretty much came to terms with my destiny of being a sorry mofo. It will be weird as shit not having anything to do. I know most people, including myself, have dreamed of being able to not do a damn thing all day. However, I don't know that I am actually looking forward to it that much. I kind of feel like the old guy that's about to retire and then starts thinking about all of the things he wants to do. The only difference is that I won't have any money to do any cool shit with.
Other than becoming the best Guitar Hero the world has ever known I don't have much on my agenda. One big goal is going to be to lose some weight and get in tip top shape. I'm not a fatass per say, but I could use to lose some poundage in the guttox and build some muscle. So, hopefully I'll make good use of my idle time by working out. One of my goals for a while now has been to be in the best shape I have been in a long time before I turn 30. T-minus 99 days for that. I may go as gay as to post weekly pictures of my fatass gut to see if there are any noticeable changes are taking place. Plus that added pressure should help me to stick with it and actually get into shape. That will be a different blog to spare you non-homos of having to see me slowly evolve into a beast of a man Possibly something along the lines of www.unfatdAndy.blogspot.com or www.dAndybeshapinup.blogspot.com or maybe even www.thisfatfuckthinkshecangetintoshape.blogspot.com. I'll think up something good once I get all this time on my hands or if you have any ideas throw a comment up in this mug! Just think, your creative insight could lead to a blog name. You'll be famous and rich and have a yacht and shit.
Of course I'll probably blog my ass off while taking breaks from ripping out killer streaks on the Guitar Hero Would Tour expert level. So you have that to look forward to as well. I'll probably fire www.dAndymancandy.blogspot.com back up again for sports/fantasy bullshit. Might get a little Jaguar or UF feature kicking. Hell I'll probably get so bored that I will blog about shit that's on C-SPAN and what not. I can see it now..."BREAKING FUCKING NEWS - THE HOUSE JUST VOTED YES ON BILL #4208457." That will be on www.dAndytalkspoliticsnshit.blogspot.com.
One idea that hit me recently was to create a website for the wealthy to donate money to me. I know it sounds a little far fetched at first glance, but just relax and go with me to my happy place for a bit. How many rich fuckers do you think would miss $10, $20, or even $50 a month? The numbers on that are probably mind blowing if you think about it even with the economy the way it is. If I could make my own charity then they could even write the donation off right? Don't rich fuckers love to feel good about helping people and then harness that warm and fuzzy good feeling all the while getting a tax write off out of it? The answer to that is FUCK and YES! All I need to do is figure out a creative marketing strategy and get the word spread. If I could get a handful of people to buy into helping a good guy who is faced with the challenges of living life making less than 25% of what he was making before going on unemployment while trying to afford a place to live and support 2 kids with no decent future job in sight. How cool would that be if I could make it fly? I guess the first step would be creating a site to get donations from rich people to help a guy get a charity started to create a site for rich people to donate money to. But then I would need to create a site to get donations to create the site to get donations to create the site. It's a viscous cycle, but I've got time.
One thing my soon to be ex-boss told me that I will cherish forever was that laziness can create some of the best solutions to problems. I found that out by being the sorry mofo that I am. Basically when faced with a task or challenge my lazy ass would think of the easiest way or a way to get shit did with the least amount of physical effort which in 3 out of 6000 times would actually lead to a good way of getting something hard done. So that's some of my reasoning behind the rich people help dAndy plan. www.pleasehelppodAndy.blogspot.com will be the place for that to take place. Wish me luck in my endeavors!
Stay tuned I'll get better about posting soon. Especially in a couple few weeks! In the meantime here is a picture of what I will be doing when that day comes......

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Day 15 - 3/10/09 - IT'S O-FUCKIN-FICIAL
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Day 10 - 3/5/09

That shit be looking got damn goodt! It's a McChicken in the middle of a double cheeseburger. Supposedly you can order it and the peeps at MickeyD's will know what you mean. Hopefully you don't get the fat greasy bitch on fries with a lazy eye along with the retarded mexican chick that only cleans tables brought to you curbside instead. I am about to research something else I saw at Eatmedaily. It's the Whopgangbang. I'll let you know how it shakes out!
Day 9 - 3/4/9
Yep, that's pretty much it. Not a damn thing.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Day 8 - 3/3/9
The interview went well yesterday. I'll know something at the end of the week. There were some pretty good questions in there. Here's some that I can remember..
Which of these three things are most important? Teamwork, Honesty/Integrity, and... (fuck I forgot the third one)
Describe yourself in one word. That was a tough one. I chose sexxxxxay!
Of course I had to go into why I left originally and why I want to come back.
They asked me to rate my management skill level on a scale of 1-10. I said a 7 figuring that was an honest and humble answer. Of course they asked why and I told them because I hadn't managed in that environment in a while. Then they asked what I thought I was when I was still working there. I said 8.37. Shit was funny.
What are my long and short term career goals? That was the easiest one. Short - get a job, Long - Keep a job. Just kidding I didn't really say that.
Describe a time when you had to earn the trust of a team of people. ZZZZZZ....This one time someone told me it was going to rain for 40 days and nights and there would be massive flooding. I told every fucking body I was going to build this big ass boat and they should get on there with me so they don't die. They didn't listen, but I tried.
What challenges do you think you will face if you were to get this job? I knew that one was coming and I nailed it!
There was some other stuff thrown in there for shits and giggles, but that was pretty much it.
In other news, I get back to my current job this AM and realize I am surrounded by complete fucking maroons! I'll give them credit for making my job exciting and challenging this morning since it hasn't been that way in a long time, but fuck they made this shit 87,420 times harder than what it is. It was ABSOLUTE CHAOS. WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO? WE CAN'T HANDLE IT! It took me a whopping 15 minutes to sort the shit out and right the ship. All is under control. The good part is that it gave me an opportunity to go off on the fucker I work with. Man I'm gonna miss this shit! If I get the new gig I won't be able to drop 16 f-bombs in one sentence anymore. Oh well!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Day 7 - 3/2/09
Speaking of guitar hero, I have been avoiding this shit for a while now, but Friday, I got my first taste of Rock Band on 360. Next thing you know my broke ass drops 2 bones on Guitar Hero World Tour for Wii. I am abso-fuckin-lutely hooked to say the least. Yeah, I am fucking dork so go blow a fucking midget dick if you have a problem with that. I'll spare you of the game review on here, but if you like Rock and guitars and what not get that shit. Not only is the game fun, but I acheived a lifelong goal by purchasing it. Last night I decided to play naked and for the first time ever I actually rocked out with my cock out. Shit was cool.
Ok, so back to the big interview today. I feel like I should be nervous, but I am not. So, now I am getting nervous about not being nervous. So I guess sometime today I'll get nervous about being nervous about not being nervous so who knows what the fuck will happen by the time I get to the interview. I did go so far as to prepare some responses to standard interview questions....
Why should we hire you? Because I am about to be un-fucking-employed.
What qualities do you feel you bring to this company? Well, for starters I uh....umm...er...pass. I'll catch that question in the speed round.
Do you forsee any challenges if you were to obtain this position? Well, the fact that my current job allows me to cuss like a fucking sailor all day long could make working in this politically correct corporate world hard as shit.
What kind of computer skills do you have? I am blogger bitch, what more do you need to know. I can make shit in italics and bold with no fucking problems. I can also insert cool links, and post pictures of hot bitches....

...next question please.
Do you have any physical or mental limitations that could prevent you from doing this job or certain tasks? Well, I tend to get sidetracked pretty easily and I also enjoy daydreaming of deatailed schemes to deprive the company of $0.0001 on every transaction in hopes of secretly becoming a millionaire and then moving to a fucking cool place like Costa Rica and not doing a got damn thing the rest of my life, but other than that I am AOK.
What have you been doing since you last worked here? Well, I bought a Wii last year and then this past weekend I got Guitar Hero for it and I have been fucking nailing some killer guitar solos and just last night I accomplished my life long goal to rock out with my cock out. It was fucking cool!
After those killer responses I am sure they will offer me the job and pay me way more than I ever expected! I'll let you ass tasters know how it goes later today or tomorrow morning.