Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Day 2 - 2/25/09

To do:

Get to work within 15 minutes of the 15 minutes late I usually get here (I blew this one this AM and got here an hour late...yikes)

Take a shit

Drink a cup of coffee


Leave my legacy here by sticking as many boogers as possible under my desk for the next guy

Look online for a job

Look online for a job

Try to figure out how to get a bandaid to stick inside my nostril without anyone seeing it on the outside

Look online for a job

Look online for a job

Look online for a job

Eat 2 cheesy double beef burritos


Look online for a job

Check out other blogs like KSK and BFO

Look online for a job

Look online for a job

Google image search "Tig Ol' Bitties"

Wish I hadn't searched for "Tig Ol' Bitties"


Smoke (think about how I can't afford to smoke now)

Smoke another while I have some

Look online for a job

Look online for a job

Take a shit while looking for jobs in the paper (now that's productive!!)

Look online for a job

Ponder making "THOUSANDS" by simply working from home offer

Think that if it were that easy wouldn't the guy trying to get you to work from home to make "THOUSANDS" just do a lot of that work himself from home to make lots of "THOUSANDS"

Look online for a job

Drive home and then take it all in

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